Improving system efficiency through the reduction of losses.
Reactors are used in a variety of different ways within transmission and distribution systems. As such they provide various application related benefits such as enhancing network reliability and safety, extending equipment life, increasing transmission capacity, and improving system efficiency through the reduction of losses.
Design features:
Epoxy impregnated, fiberglass encapsulated construction Aluminum construction throughout with all current carrying connections welded Highest mechanical and short-circuit strength Essentially zero radial voltage stress, with uniformly graded axial voltage distribution between terminals Low noise levels are maintained throughout the life of the reactor Weatherproof construction, with minimum maintenance requirements Design service life in excess of 35 years.
Applications include Power Flow Control, Capacitor Switching, Harmonic Filtering, Re-active Power Compensation and HVDC Smoothing. Also,
- Shunt Reactors to compensate for capacitive VARSl.
- Current limiting Reactors
- Filtering Reactors
- Neutral Grounding Reactors
- FCMA Starter reactor

Air Core reactor
A VERTO air core dry type reactor consists of a number of parallel connected, individu-ally insulated, aluminum (copper on request) conductors. These conductors can be small wire or proprietary cables custom designed and manufactured.
The size and type of conductor used in each reactor is dependent on the reactor specification. The various styles and sizes of conductors available ensure optimum performance at the most economical cost.
The windings are mechanically rein-forced with epoxy resin impregnated fiber-glass, which after a carefully defined oven cure cycle produces an encapsulated coil. A network of horizontal and vertical fiberglass ties coupled with the encapsulation minimizes vibration in the reactor and achieves the highest available mechanical strength.
The windings are terminated at each end to a set of aluminum bars called a spider. This construction results in a very rigid unit capable of withstanding the stresses developed under the most severe short circuit conditions.
Exceptionally high levels of terminal pull, tensile strength, wind loading and seismic withstand can be accommodated with the reactor.

Magnetic Core Reactors
Magnetic Core Reactors usually consists of a copper winding wound around an iron core that has an air gap.
The number of winding turns, area of the air gap and length of the gap, determine the reactor inductance.
Due to high permeability of iron, the magnetic field is confined to the core and inductance of reactor is accomplished with low number of turns.

Cast Resin Dry Type Transformer ( CRT)
Cast resin dry type transformer (CRT) is used in the high moisture prone areas. It is because of its primary and secondary winding are encapsulated with epoxy resin.

Vacuum Pressure Impregnated Transformer (VPI)
This type of transformer is made with mini-mum flammable material as insulation of windings. The windings of this transformer are made in strip in a continuous layer.