Single Phase & Three Phase Transformer

Single Phase Transformer

The single phase transformer contains two windings, one on primary and the other on the secondary side. They are mostly used in single-phase electrical power system. The three-phase system application means using three single phase units connected in the three-phase system. This is a more expensive solution and it is used in high power system.

Applications of Single Phase Transformer

Three Phase Transformer

Three phase transformers are used to step-up or step-down the high voltages in various stages of power transmission system. The power generated at various generating stations is in three phase nature and the voltages are in the range of 13.2KV or 22KV. In order to reduce the power loss to the distribution end, the power is transmitted at somewhat higher voltages like 132 or 400KV.

Advantages of Three Phase Transformer

Lightning Transformer

Lighting transformers are used in a variety of different applications, not just for brightening and dimming lights. Essentially, because they do allow the voltage across a line to be varied, they can used for any number of applications where voltage does have to be changed a bit to accommodate various devices.
For example, lighting transformers are sometimes used on small electric motors to provide a way to speed up or slow down the motor, as needed. Lighting transformers are quite often used in households, however, to do exactly what the name implies and provide variable lighting from the same light fixtures.

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Cast Resin Dry Type Transformer ( CRT)

Cast resin dry type transformer (CRT) is used in the high moisture prone areas. It is because of its primary and secondary winding are encapsulated with epoxy resin.

cast resin

Vacuum Pressure Impregnated Transformer (VPI)

This type of transformer is made with mini-mum flammable material as insulation of windings. The windings of this transformer are made in strip in a continuous layer.

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